Available courses

Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals
This course provides the definition of the
concepts of sustainability and development, the development indices, evolution of
UN SDG2030 agenda and its 17 Goals. The course further elaborates the interconnectedness
and interdependence of the goals in terms of three dimensions- Social, economic and Environmental and also the 5 aspects
namely People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.

Design Thinking
Course Description
Design thinking is a systematic method of solving problems and is different from traditional scientific or marketing focused approaches. Today industries, innovators, social entrepreneurs and leading universities across the globe are speaking and writing a lot about design thinking. It has taken a center stage in many organizations which are trying to rapidly adopt a user-centered approach and a culture in order to be more innovative. Design thinking is enabling individual and organizations to be more creative in developing new solutions that are unique in the market there by creating a large impact on the market and life of individuals.This is an introductory course that will help to understand the notions of Design Thinking along with some of the related tools, techniques and methods. Through interesting examples, case-studies and exercises the course will help to develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.